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F&M parade - were you in it or did you watch? Here's some photos

There was a parade in Ada on Saturday and you were probably in it or watching.

Monty Siekerman offers the following selection of parade photos from this year's Ada Farmers' and Merchants' Parade.


• Hardin County Mounted Police
• Ada High School Marching Band
• Princess candidate Kyleigh Watson
• Princess candidate Brooklynn Simon
• Midget football team
• Midget football cheerleaders



Where did summer go?

It was time to find the classrooms, meet the teachers, and buy school supplies on Thursday evening at the Ada Schools open house. Here, John and Heather Sousley leave the building with their children, Levi, 6th grade; Isabella, 3rd grade; and Tyler, 8th grade. The first day of Ada school is Tuesday, Aug. 16, but you already knew that. (Monty Siekerman photo)

63 years later - here's bird's-eye view of our community

How much has Ada changed in 63 years?

Here's why a photograph is worth a thousand words. We invite you to study this bird's-eye view of Ada taken in 1953 and published in the souvenir program of th Ada centennial.

Fifteen buildings are identified on this aerial map and their legend to the 15 is on the map's bottom.

Can you find your house from here?

Liberty Township farm host to Tuesday Twilight Tour

Two upcoming August Twilight Tours will have farmers thinking outside of the box. 

Tuesday, Aug. 16, Ted Griffith will be discussing how he has inter-seeded soybeans into growing wheat using 15 inch rows. 

This Twilight Tour will be held near the field located at 6551 State Route 701, Ada starting at 7 p.m.

This practice, called Modified Relay Intercropping (MRI), enables a producer to get respectable wheat yields, while at the same time produce a field of soybeans that usually yield better than double cropped beans. 

Rained out

Morris Groman concentrates on warm-up action in a rained-out shuffleboard tournament on Monday. The event, at the Bluffton shuffleboard courts, started at 9 a.m. and the rain followed about 15 minutes later.

Once upon a time in Ada: Did you know there was an Ada community band in 1880?

Once upon a time in Ada
Things you didn’t know about your own hometown
By Lee Crouse
[email protected]

In1880 the Ada Community band was organized. Among members of the first band were “Squire” Lantz, Chris Young, Henry Young, William Young, M.V. Gilbert, Ed. Gilbert, Wesley Gilbert, Lem Linderman and George Loudenslager. The band celebrated their 55th anniversary in 1935.
