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Ada's latest news

'55 Chevy?

Don't know what you think, but we think it looks like a '55 Chevy convertible. Whatever the make and year, it's on the wall at Four Seasons on Main Street.

As school year winds down, calendar events wind up

The school year is coming to a close. Even so, there's lot of activities this month. Here's a list of events from the Ada school website:

ONU students, organizations honored at 15th annual President’s Leadership Dessert


Ohio Northern University honored student leaders and organizations during the 15th annual President’s Leadership Dessert on May 1.

The DeBow Freed Leadership Awards, the highest level of recognition for excellence in student leadership, were presented to a male and female from each of the University’s undergraduate classes. In addition, three student organizations were honored with the Alice-Kay Hilderbrand Student Organization of the Year Award in recognition of their active leadership roles at ONU and positive contributions to the campus community.

Police docket for May 6 - May 12

May 6

Handled Suspicious Vehicle Complaint at the Marathon
  • Assist Other Agency
Handled Neighbor Trouble Complaint on S Simon
  • Handled 911 Hang-up on Grand

  • Handled 911 Hang-up near Pampus Dr & Bluestem Dr.
  • Traffic stop Warning for Stop Sign

  • Traffic stop Warning for Equipment

May 7

Charter Realty open house at 0281 SR 81 on Sunday

Charter Realty,117 E. Lincoln Ave., Ada, will have an open house at one of its residential listings this weekend.

Sharon Music, realtor, said the open house is at 0281 State Route 81, Ada on Sunday, May 19, from 1 to 3 p.m.

A complete summary of the residence is in the attachment at the bottom of this story. Contact Music at 419-303-4113 or for more information.

Weather summary: Will someone please turn up the thermostat!

Will someone please turn up the thermostat! These high and low temperatures feel more like April than May. Here's the past seven day weather summary from Guy Verhoff, Icon weather observer.
                   High    Low   Prec
May 7          74       52
May 8          78       54      0.01
May 9          81       53      0.07
May 10        70       53      0.33
May 11        57       38      0.04
May 12        56       36
May 13        58       34
