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Ada's latest news

Bigfoot coming to Ada on Thursday (at the library)

Bigfoot is coming to Ada on Thursday. The Ada Public Library hosts a program on Bigfoot presented by the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization.

Mark Maisel, an Ohio Northern University graduate and member of BFRO, will present the program at 6 p.m., which is free and open to the public.

He will share Bigfoot siting information, share about the organization's research and also play audio clips of Bigfoot.

Kiwanis Key Leader presentation

Shelby Hazelton (left) and Mackenzie Wills, Ada High School students, attended the Kiwanis Key Leader program weekend earlier this spring. They reported to the Ada Kiwanis about the experience on June 11. The students told about how service leadership works and how students can become good leaders. The Ada Kiwanis Club sponsored the two to attend the program.

ONU students can help you on Civic Engagement Day Aug. 24 - here's the details

Do you have a service project around your home or business that would benefit from student volunteers from Ohio Northern University?

Ada Civic Engagement Day, where ONU students volunteer, is Saturday, Aug. 24. Ada businesses and residents may register for a volunteer to help out on that day.

The types of service projects include (these are examples):

• Painting
• landscaping
• planting trees
• cleaning
• cooking

Businesses and residents are responsible for providing materials, tools and instructions and supervision. Registration is underway now through Aug. 1. 

Ada Icon garage sale ads may now include photos!

The Ada Icon now accepts photos for its garage sale ads. Here's how it works:

All garage sale ads continue to be free, with no word limit. When sending a garage sale, send it to: [email protected].

Include ONE jpg of any item in your sale, or of a variety of garage sale items. (We can only post one photo.)

The photo will be posted with the ad. The Icon notifiies all garage sale advertisers the moment your ad is posted. Ads are posted the day they are received.

All garage sale ads are posted in the Ada Icon and the Bluffton Icon.


Ohio Cart Parts-N-More officially open for business - grand opening June 8

Ohio Cart Parts-N-More, LLC, held its grand opening and ribbon cutting on June 8.The Ada Area Chamber of Commerce conducted the ribbon cutting and the Hardin County Ambassadors were in attendance.

Ohio Cart Parts sells used golf carts, street legal accessories as well as OEM, aftermarket parts and accessories. Specialize in making your cart stand out from the crowd. Their pricing is affordable and the quality is great. Business hours are Monday-Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. till noon. Ohio Cart Parts-N-More is owned by Janice Clemons.

Kiwanis Club hears from Key Leaders Shelby Hazelton and Mackenzie Wills

President Myrna McCurdy called the weekly meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order on Tuesday, June 11 at noon at McIntosh Center, ONU.

Jaime & McCormick Wills, Shelby Hazelton & Mackenzie Wills were welcomed as guests.

The birthday of Jeff Schulman (June 17) was noted.

Harold is warmly welcomed after a winter in Florida and he announced that he has a new granddaughter.

In business:
