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Ada's latest news

March calendar for Wings Supprort & Recovery

March 2024 events that are open to the public have been announced by Wing's Support and Recovery center, 111 E. Columbus St., Kenton. See the full calendar HERE.

  • Yoga has been added on Tuesdays with certified yoga instructor and community member Jami Dellifield.
  • St. Patrick's Day celebration at 1:00 p.m. on March 15.
  • Easter celebration at noon on March 29, serving lunch and dessert.

The center notes, "We have been graciously donated extra laundry soap, so if someone is in need of doing their laundry here at Wing's, we have the supplies!"

Shower, laundry, breakfast and lunch are available at the center Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.


Recap of February 19 Park District board meeting

By Paula Pyzik Scott

Liberty Township provided minutes from the February 19 park board meeting including the following details.

  • The board purchased a program from Field Data Management which will list all of the Ada school’s athletic events online.
  • On April 8, the day of the total solar eclipse, the stadium will be open and park manager Ken Wolke will explore getting some food trucks.
  • Ohio Northern offered student assistance to help clean up the park for spring on February 29. 
  • Track resurfacing at War Memorial Stadium will start as soon as track season is complete. 

The next park board meeting is March 18.

Battle for the Belt: Corn vs Soybean

Research results program on March 20

HARDIN COUNTY__Should I plant corn or soybean first in the spring? What crop has the smallest yield penalty for delayed planting? Can you adjust your management practices to mitigate losses due to late planting? How are diseases affected by planting date?

Lydia M. Scott was a homemaker

Lydia M. Scott, age 88, of Lakeview, passed away on Wednesday, February 28, 2024 at her daughter’s residence, surrounded by her family. 

Ohio Northern to close on April 8 for the solar eclipse

Statement issued by Ohio Northern University / PHOTO A telescope at ONU observatory

Ohio Northern University will be closed and classes canceled on Monday, April 8, 2024 – the day of the total solar eclipse – to ensure the safety of students, faculty, and staff, and to provide our campus community with the opportunity to experience this once-in-a-lifetime event. 

Beef Banquet is March 23

Taking applications for $500 scholarships

The Hardin County Cattle Producers will hold their annual Beef Banquet on Saturday, March 23 in the Community Building at the fairgrounds, starting at 6:30 p.m.
