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Letter: Ada First UMC to celebrate 10-year building anniversary

Artifacts from prior churches sought for March 16 celebration

From Rev. Brandi Grant-Rigsby and Ada First UMC 10-Year Anniversary Planning Team 


“We are the church, you are the church. We are the church together!”

Can you believe it will soon be 10 years that we have been in our current church building? A decade of Sunday services, baptisms, weddings, memorial services, potlucks, meetings, missions, and Sunday school classes!

A little history—Methodism originated in Ada in 1852 with a few settlers who began a class meeting in an old school house on Main Street and Montfort Avenue. In 1861, the Methodists assisted the Presbyterians in building the old Presbyterian Church and they worshipped together!

Cost of Village storage building use is tied to electricity

By Paula Pyzik Scott

A recent Council item (page 14 of February 18 packet) creating an agreement for use of a storage building by Keith's Hardware had me scratching my head. Was there to be no rent charged for the building?

An email exchange with Village Administrator Jamie Hall has provided further explanation for the arrangement. As has been done with past tenants including the previous owner of the hardware store, Keith's Hardware will pay for electricity used in the Public Works building which includes lights, use of maintenance shop equipment (welder, drills, grinders, etc) along with trickle charge equipment for trucks and door openers. 

The December 2024 electricity bill was $374.50 and the size of the building used by Keith's Hardware is 80' x 60' (4,800 square feet).

March 2 Bluffton Icon headlines

The followig articles were posted on on Sunday, March 2, 2025,

Pirate wrestler Shank qualifies for state

Weekend Doctor: ADHD or OCD?

March 2025 programs and services at Bluffton Public Library

Ada Public Library calendar for March 2025

The Ada Public Library has a full calendar of events for March 2025 at

Events and programs you'll find just once during the month are:

March 8 - STEAM Day
March 4 - Adult Book Group
March 18 - Library Board Meeting
March 18 - Amish Book Group
March 18 - Bingo with Officer Penny
March 29 - ART Club

A printable version of the calendar is HERE.


3 Bulldogs wrestle at district meet in Troy

By Cort Reynolds

TROY __ Three Ada High School wrestlers competed at the double-elimination Div. III district tournament at Hobart Arena, February 28-March 1.

Bulldog junior Silas Riblet lost his first match in the 126 lbs. class to Newark Catholic sophomore Max Childers by pin at 1:53. 

In the consolation bracket, Riblet bounced back to win his next match by pin at 2:45 over freshman Hudson Baxter of South Charleston SE.

In his next consolation bout on Saturday, Riblet lost a tight 11-10 decision to sophomore Luke Neukam of Clermont Northeastern. He was eliminated with a 1-2 record at the event.

Polar plunge was "bearable"

Ada's Carmen Mancuso (in orange) decided that temps had "warmed up enough to be bearable," so she joined friends for the 2025 Ohio Northern Polar Plunge. Still terrified, she found that "I didn’t register the cold until I dunked my head... It felt like I couldn’t inhale air into my lungs. I ran straight out of the water and into a dry set of clothing... The cold was painful, but it turned into energy for the remainder of the day." Would she do it again as a senior? No.... Yes.... We'll see! PHOTO Ohio Northern.
