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Kesewa and Ian, Ada HS Elk teenagers of the month

Both seniors are active in and outside of school

Kesewa Akyeampong and Ian Dellifield, both seniors, are the Kenton Elks  February Ada High School teenagers of the month.

Among Kesewa’s school involvement includes participation in band,  show choir, plus leadership in several organizations.

She is show choir president, senior class secretary, and  has performed as soloist in spring fever follies where she received the best performer award, and was a participant in Interclass competition where she received a first place in dramatic reading and second place in poetry. She was the marching band drum major this school year.

She is a member of the school National Honor Society,  film club, language club, Ada Mental Health Alliance, and OIPA.

She has participated in track and field where she qualified in shot/disc in the Hardin County meet, Northwest Conference meet and District.

Outside of school she has volunteered at Beatitudes, Ada and Kuinmed Suboxone Clinic, Lima.

Her top college choice is Howard University and she hopes to become a family practice physician.

She is the daughter of Albert and Abigail Akyeampong.

Ian’s school involvement includes member of varsity singers combo band, varsity quiz bowl team, Engineering and STEM challenge competition team (TEAMS). He participates in track and field, swim, soccer and basketball teams at Ada HS. He has also served as a Dogs volunteer.

Outside of school he has had leadership roles in 4-H where he has participated for nine years.

In 4-H he has served as treasurer of Hardin County Sharp Shooters 4-H Club, a Camp CIT and counselor, Mars BASE Camp Challenge facilitator and was Ohio youth representative for the OSI Extension Google grant.

Among his volunteer activities in the community include member of the First United Methodist Church praise band, referee for youth soccer, volunteer at OSU Extension Spark Lab,  and volunteer for Hardin County Homemakers winter banquet and fair dish days.

He was a lifeguard two season at the Ada pool, a youth soccer referee for three seasons, and has works at Sodexo at ONU. He also has performed as a musician in ONU musical production.

He plans to attending college in either Nashville or Los Angeles and pursue a career in commercial percussion performance.

He is the son of David and Jami Dellifield.
