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"A naturally gifted artist"

Rebekah Walker, Ada HS senior, is Icon's February artist of the month

Rebekah Walker, Ada High School senior, is the Icon's February artist of the month.

Rebekah is currently in Art 4.  She has taken Art 1, Art 2, and Art 3.

"Art has always been a part of my life," she said. "I remember in eighth grade Mr. Wells saw a drawing I was doing and told me that he really wanted me to take high school art. I've taken art every year since. In my free time I enjoy creating drawings and paintings for friends."  

Rebekah stands beside a picture of pop bottles that she painted on top of pop bottle caps.

"Believe it or not, it was originally going to be a picture of a 'fox' but, this just made more sense to me," she said.

Gary Wells, Ada High School art teacher said of Rebekah,  "Rebekah is a naturally gifted artist. Her approach to her assignments is fearless; she isn't afraid to experiment with materials, she's open to receiving input from her peers and teacher, and she works extremely hard on every project - even the ones she doesn't really want to do. 

"These things, coupled with her artistic ability help her make incredible works of art. I am very proud of her and I know that she will go on to do great things."
