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Bob Simmons: "Don Fleming saw it as his responsibility to personally mentor me as a council member"

Oct. 23 deadline to indicate an interest in serving in vacant council seat

Bob Simmons, Ada council president, offered comments during the Oct. 6 council meeting about Don Fleming, council member who died eariler this month.

His statement follows:
Tonight we mourn the passing of Don Fleming, our fellow counselor and esteemed colleague. He served the Ada village as counselor for over 39 years.

When I was elected to council seven years ago he saw it as his responsibility to personally mentor me. I always valued his judgement, insight, wisdom and dedication to our village.

I am certain we will all miss his personal and professional influence on all of us. Thinking of his dedication and how he faced his own challenges will make us even more committed to represent the citizens of Ada.

Our thoughts are with his family during this difficult time.

Let’s now have a moment of silence to thank him for his contribution to Ada.

Oct. 23 deadline to indicate interest in a council seat
The village of Ada invites residents interested in serving on its village council to notify the village of their interest by Friday, Oct. 23.

The  vacancy occurred with the Oct. 5 death of Don Fleming.

The position is a mid-term council seat vacancy. Qualified residents interested in filling the seat are asked to submit a letter of interest by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, October 23.

Letters may be mailed or hand delivered to:
Ada Village Offices
Attn: Council President
115 West Buckeye Ave.
Ada, Ohio 45810

Letters may also be emailed to [email protected].

Ada’s current council members are Jeff Oestreich, Sheila Coressel, Linda Mason, Bob Simmons and Terry Keiser.

CLICK HERE for Ohio Revised Code 731.12, which spells out minimum qualifications for the vacancy.
