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Student dropoff and pickup location changes coming Oct. 5 to Ada schools

The school has identified safety concerns with its current flow of traffic during arrival and dismissal times

Beginning Monday, Oct. 5, Ada Schools will change its morning and afternoon transportation locations. 

The change came about because the school has identified safety concerns with its current flow of traffic during arrival and dismissal times.

"Based upon observations by administrators, the transportation director, and the school resource officer, we feel it is necessary to make changes to our current transportation procedures," said Meri Skilliter, Ada superintendent.

• The north entrance, off of State Route 81 will now be the new bus loading and unloading zone.

• The south entrance, off Grand Avenue will become the student drop off and pick up location.

The diagram with this story shows the new locations on the school campus.

A detailed description of procedures for each area follows:
• The new bus loading / unloading Zone will be the north parking lot located off of State Route 81.

• Busses and staff vehicles only are permitted in this area during arrival and dismissal times

Arrival time - 7:45 a.m. - 8:35 a.m.
Dismissal time - 2:50 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.

• Absolutely no students may be dropped off or picked up in this area during arrival and dismissal times

• Students who are tardy to school (after 8:35 a.m.) should continue to be dropped off at this entrance

• If at any time there is a bus in the loading zone, there is to be no vehicle traffic in that area

• The first row of the parking lot will continue to be reserved for visitors
