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You probably met her at a Wishing Well event at ONU

Vancrest resident spotlight on Ana Mae Spallinger

Anna Mae Spallinger, this month’s Vancrest resident in the spotlight, might best known by many Ada residents through her career at ONU’s Wishing Well.

She handled too many special event to count during her dozen or so years there as she came into contact with Ada residents attending those events.

“I really enjoyed my time there,” she recalls.

The Lafayette-Jackson High School graduate was born in Haskins. She met her husband, Don, during their school years, as he also attended Lafayette.

The couple was married for 63 years and their children are, Pat Pam, Scott and Amy. 

Don worked at the Ford plant in Lima and on the family farm. Anna Mae also helped out on the farm and with the animals until their son, Scott, was old enough to help.

In the meantime, Anna Mae says that she and her daughters handled the yard duties, taking turns mowing and keeping things looking great. 

After Don retired the couple spent from November until March or April in Florida. 

The complete feature on Anna Mae is in this month’s Vancrest newsletter, attached at the bottom of this story.
