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Subtle ONU shout-out from the governor

ONU alum Eric Porter's video shows a glance of the Ada campus

Ada Icon viewers who watched Gov. Mike DeWine's daily briefing earlier this week may have noticed a subtle Ohio Northern University shout-out in the video the governor played at the conclusion of the briefing.

A shot of the Ohio Northern University sign located in front of Lehr Memorial made its way into a music video for the bluegrass band Joe Mullens and Radio Ramblers.

The video, which was created by Eric Porter, a 2009 ONU alum, director of visual communications for the Ohio Attorney General's Office, contains shots from around the state, but oddly, from no other colleges or universities.

Watch the video below - for a quick view, it's near the end of the video after minute 59.


Ohio Governor Mike DeWine - COVID-19 Update | May 26, 2020
