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Let's visit some Ada gardens

Lots of fresh veggies growing at Jimmy Wilson's 207 Turner garden

Some people believe that life begins the day you start a garden. Other insist there are no gardening mistakes, only experiments. If you fall in either group, then this weekly Icon feature will keep you walking down the garden path again and again.

At the suggestion and with the assistance of Jimmy Wilson the Ada Icon introduces a new column we simply call Ada Gardens.

It will continue until gardening ends for the season, and then we hope to plant our seeds again in the spring.

Our first featured Ada Garden is full of green things. You can find it in Wilson’s yard at 207 Turner, Ada.

He knows that June is such a special month for Ohio gardens, adding, “It’s won’t be long before I will be up to my armpits in produce.”

However, he adds, “That’s my plan. I’m leaving my back gate unlocked and posting a big sign reading: Help yourself, just don’t bother me.”

In the meantime, enjoy the photos.
