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Madison Archer elected Liberty Belles & Boys 4-H president

The Liberty Bells and Boys Meeting of May 19th, 2020 started at 7 p.m. on a zoom meeting.The meeting opened with the pledges led by Maylene.No treasurer’s report. We had an election of officers and voted by zoom polling.

Election results:
President: Madison Archer
Vice President: Selena Jordan
Secretary: Evalyn Hernandez
Treasurer: Kylie Nash
Reporter: Aliyah Kober
Health: Kylee Kober
Safety: Collin Brown
Citizenship: Rey Hurley

Introductions of advisors
Colin Nash: Hogs and Lambs
Tina: Chickens
Dana Boutwell: Rabbits
Maddia Kober: Shotgun, Sports, Wood Working, Fishing
Melissa Retterer: Sewing, cooking
Deb Retterer: Science, electrical
Kaitlyn: Goats, Beef

Fair booth: Maylene Decklings
Community service: Maddia Kober
End of year party: Melissa Retterer, Deb Retteree

Next meeting: June 2

Officers will zoom chat 30 minutes before the regular meeting. We closed the meeting with a getting to know you game with thought provoking

Notes taken by Evalyn Hernandez (Secretary).  
Notes given to Aliyah Kober (Reporter) to report.
