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Thank you, essential workers

Students in Mrs. Winklejohn's art classes speak from the heart

It reads like, "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus," letter to eight-year-old Virginia O'Hanlon from Francis Pharcelus Church, editor of the New York Sun newspaper.

Only, it's from Jasmine Gibson to all the teachers in Ada. It's one of over a dozen thank you notes written by students in Mrs. Winklejohn's elementary art classes and posted on the Ada Bulldogs Facebook.

The thank you notes cover just about every occupation of essential workers that you can list – you will see several examples at the bottom of this story and by clicking here (to the Ada Bulldogs Facebook).

Here's Jasmine's letter: 
Thank you to all the teachers who are always there helping students get through their work. You guys are the best teachers ever and you should always be told thank you. I hope that all you teachers are getting sleep and having some family time. I hope you are always having a good day.
Jasmine Gibson

Thank you notes of appreciation from her elementary art students were written to an assortment of essential workers including those in factories, UPS, police, mechanics, health care, truck drivers, doctors

"We appreciate your hard work," is the sentiment expressed from these young Ada art students.
