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Ada-Liberty EMS chief urges facial covers while in public

"These coverings do not replace social distancing"

Ada-Liberty Township EMS chief, Tom Miller, provided the Icon with the following guideline update on the COVID-19 virus. His message follows: 

As we continue to fight the spread of the COVID-19 Virus, I wanted to touch base with you again.

The original guidelines of what to do if you think you are experiencing symptoms, calling you primary care physician or the Ohio Department of Health hotline numbers as well as the joint number from Lima Memorial and St Rita's Mercy Health Systems are still the procedures to follow.

CLICK HERE for the earlier interview with Miller.

Recently the CDC is recommending that you you wear a facial cover while out in public. This can be a home-made cloth mask or as simple as a bandanna.

These coverings do not replace social distancing; they should be used together.

 We encourage you to limit your travels away from home for only the necessities.

Some stores are starting to limit the amount of shoppers they allow in at one time and are encouraging persons not to make shopping a family affair.

As the weather improves it may be tougher to stay home, but the sooner we can stop the spread the faster we can return to our normal routine.

The last thing we would want is our actions to cause these restrictions to linger on.  Everyone stay safe. 

Tom Miller Chief 
 Ada/Liberty EMS
