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All school offices are now closed to outside visitors

Here's this week's school meal delivery schedule

Community Update March 23, 2020

Because of the Governor’s order yesterday, a few things will be different at Ada Schools, including the days and times of meal deliveries.

Please read this update carefully.

As always, if you have any questions, you can email your child’s teacher, your principal, or your superintendent.

You can also call 419-634-6421. If that line is not answered directly, follow prompts to reach the CENTRAL OFFICE. Our staff gets an email when you leave a message on that line, and we will follow up or transfer your message to the right staff member.

Other information for our community and families:
 All offices are closed to outside visitors. Please email or call (see above) and we will make every effort to resolve your issue remotely.

 While the Ohio Department of Health has encouraged people to get outside, please note that the Governor closed all playgrounds, as they can be a place of germ transfer. As such, our playground is also off limits to everyone.

 Meals during the week of March 23-March 27, will be delivered as follows:

• Monday, March 23 – One breakfast and lunch per child will be delivered or available for pick up (as we have been doing).
• Tuesday, March 24 – Two breakfasts and lunches per child will be delivered (to cover Tuesday and Wednesday) or available for pick up.
•  Thursday, March 26 – Two breakfasts and lunches per child will be delivered (to cover Thursday and Friday) or available for pick up.
•  Thursday, March 26 – Watch for an alert for delivery plan for the following week.

Watch for text alerts, communication from your principals and teachers and keep reading, learning, getting outside for exercise.

Follow all the Ohio Department of Health’s guidelines for keeping safe and healthy:

If you have questions about symptoms you can call the ODH COVID19 Hotline at 1-833-4-ASK-ODH.

Tell the kids their school misses them, and we can’t wait until we can all be back together again.
