It’s Super Bowl time and the Icon invites viewers to test their football skills by entering the Icon’s Super Bowl Contest.
Beyond picking the game winner, contest questions include:
• Who will score first
• Who will lead at halftime
• How many points will the winning team win by
• and the toughest tie-breaker question of all time: Who will be the game’s most valuable player?
We are also looking ahead for more contests of all types in 2020. Persons entering the contest may suggest other contests the Icon should consider holding.
The Super Bowl contest winner receives six passes to the Shannon Theatre, Bluffton.
The deadline to enter is Sunday at 3 p.m. Like the football bowl contest, contestants may enter as many times as they like, but may use their own name only one time. Break this rule and we’ll disqualify you.
And, if there’s a tie following all tie-breaker questions, the earliest entry wins.