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Liberty Township gets 3.30 inches of rainfall in September

By Mark Badertscher, OSU Extension Educator
During the month of September, Hardin County received an average of 2.82 inches of rain, according to volunteer rainfall reporters from the OSU Extension office. 

Phil Epley recorded 3.30 inches for Liberty Township, totaling 20.1 inches for the growing season from April 15. The township totals are listed below this story.

The most rain for this month, 4.30 inches, fell in Jackson Township, as measured by Rick Weber. 

The least rain reported during the month, 1.74 inches, was reported in Buck Township by Heritage Cooperative, followed closely by 1.80 inches in Hale Township by Travis Ramsey. 

During the same month last year, an average of 3.71 inches of rain fell.  The rainfall recorded in September over the past ten years averaged 3.45 inches. 

For the growing season since April 15, the average precipitation in the townships was 25.80 inches, ranging from 29.50 inches in Roundhead Township, to 20.01 inches in Liberty Township.  Even with the wet spring rains that kept most farmers out of the fields during planting time, the growing season average rainfall is only 2.54 inches over the ten-year average for Hardin County without adding additional rain in the first half of October. 

Soybean harvest has begun in the county with farmers cutting their earliest planted beans with dry moisture content.  Because of the late planting of most fields, several soybean fields are still waiting to be harvested. 

Some corn fields have been chopped for silage, although very few fields have been shelled for grain.  Late maturing corn will take longer to dry this fall, causing higher moisture content than experienced the past couple of years. 

Livestock producers have taken advantage of warm fall weather to harvest forages.  Wheat fields have been planted in the county and are off to a good start this fall.  There have been several fall tillage operations taking place with the favorable weather conditions.
