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School board awards contract for boiler and water heater replacement project

Accepts resignation from Trent Temple

Ada school board took several actions at its April 18 board meeting. The follow report includes some of that action from the school’s April Staff Notes, and is not officially approved board minutes.

• The board approved the bid for a boiler and water heater replacement project from Walter’s Boiler Works, Inc., prime contractor.

• approved the resignation of Trent Temple, effective Aug. 1, 2019.

• approved volunteer drivers for the 2018-2019 school year: Amy Mullins, Scott Mullins, Kyleigh Tabor and Tyler Craig.

• approved substitutes for the 2018-2019 school: Jill Nevers, substitute educational aide; Patricia Phillips, substitute cafeteria worker/educational aide; and Sarah McClelland, substitute cafeteria worker.

• approved Julie Thaxton and Anna Yoakam as home instructors for two students homebound due to medical needs.   

• approved a contract to Elise Williams, cafeteria worker, for 2018-19; and to Kelly Kloeppel, one-year contract as head cook for 2019-20 school year.

The board also set the staff appreciation breakfast for 9:30  a.m., Wednesday, May 29, in the school cafeteria.      

The April Staff Notes are attached below:  
