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Bridge out!

County Road 15 bridge over Hog Creek undergoes rehabilitation

The bridge over Hog Creek on Hardin County Road 15, west of Ada, is closed until mid-June while the bridge is undergoing a rehabilitation, according to Luke Underwood of the county engineer’s office.

The project, estimated at $220,314, includes work handled by the county and U.S. Bridge of Cambridge. A portion of the cost is covered by a grant from the Ohio Public Works Commission. The U.S. Bridge portion of the project is estimated at $170,314 and the county's share is $50,000.

The bridge beams are being removed and taken to Cambridge for rehabilitation and to be galvanized. Once they are returned and replaced the county will reinstall a concrete deck.

The county is also removing trees and  cleaning up the draining areas on the side of the road leading to the bridge and stream.

In conjunction with the bridge rehabilitation, the county is developing a plan to alleviate flooding of the road at the bridge.

The county hopes to raise the road and then repave County Road 15 from State Route 309 to the county line at County Road 10. This project is slated for the fall.
