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Ada's latest news

Kiwanis will honor former member Errett Motter with tree planting

Ada Kiwanis will honor former club member Errett Motter with the planting of a tree in War Memorial Park on June 21. Charles Van Dyne will serve as master of ceremonies.

-The club will award four scholarships to graduating seniors at Ada High School on May 18. 

Scott Allison and Jon Umphress were present at the Ada Elementary School April 29 for the annual Arbor Day program for members of the third grade classes.

The club presented a check to the Village of Ada in the amount of $500 to assist with their tree-planting efforts. This marks the 45th consecutive year the club has made the donation, bringing our total to $22,500 donated.

Meet the viola

Students in Miss Vicki's  Music Studio, Ada, were introduced to the viola recently. This viola demonstration was given by a Family Music class parent who also plays professionally.

And the band played Ada/ONU tradition

Story and photos by Monty Siekerman
ONU band members put on a free concert under pleasant skies on Friday evening at Railroad Depot Park, directed by none other than Ada's own Susie Young, daughter of Linda and Curtis Young.

The band, consisting of seniors and other upperclassmen who are members of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma honoraries, entertained passers-by with several selections.

This is a traditional "give back to the community" event by band members held annually on commencement weekend.

Ada's flowers brought on by April showers

If April showers bring May flowers, this year's shower produced some of the most memorable flowers ever.

Ken Collins took a May walk around Ada and it wasn't difficult to find the results of April rains.

Here is a collection of flowers he photographers.

Engineering competition teams earn strong finishes at IEEE conference

Competition teams from the Ohio Northern University College of Engineering earned strong finishes at the 2016 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)s Region 2 Student Activities Conference hosted by Cleveland State University from April 8-10.

ONU’s Sumo Robot team, made up of Tyler Germann, a senior electrical engineering major from New Haven, Ind., and Bryan Wilson, a senior electrical engineering major from Jeannette, Pa., placed third. In a sumo robot competition, teams construct an autonomous robot that fights to push an opponent out of a ring.

Ada resident wins Bluffton Lions Club shopping spree

Deborah Bish from Ada, shown with the Bluffton Community Market manager, Mike Love, was the Shopping Spree winner at the Market on May 7. 

The Bluffton Lions Club sponsored the shopping spree as a way to gain proceeds for their scholarship program.  Winnings from this spree and other projects conducted by the Lions Club make it able to again give six scholarships for seniors in the area schools of Bluffton, Pandora-Gilboa and Cory-Rawson. 

These scholarship winners will be announced at the school’s annual awards session this week.
