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July 2023 Ada Icon crossword puzzle

Did you snooze or read the Icon's Ada news during July 2023?

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Here's a sampling:

Looking like a football factory

In recent weeks the Wilson Football Factory construction project at Highland and Liberty streets has really begun looking like a factory. This image is from August 17, 2023.

Summary of August 25 Ada Council meeting

By Paula Scott

The Tuesday, August 15 regular meeting of the Ada Council was conducted by Mayor Dave Retterer and attended by all council members. In keeping with standard procedure, the meeting began with the paying of bills and approval of minutes from the prior meeting.

Tobacco Cessation Program can help smokers quit for good

As part of its commitment to not just treat, but also prevent, disease, Blanchard Valley Health System (BVHS) offers individual counseling and education for community members who wish to quit smoking.

The Tobacco Cessation Program at Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine of Northwest Ohio, 1900 S Main St., Findlay, takes an evidence-based team approach tailored to each smoker’s individual needs. The dedicated team of “quit specialists” provides resources, education, medication support, accountability and encouragement for each step of the journey.

Different tools may work for different people, and some smokers may want guidance finding the right approach for them.

Hardin Northern Class of 1958 hosted 65-year celebration

Click READ MORE for photo

Fourteen members of the 1965 Hardin Northern graduating class and two former members, five spouses and one guest enjoyed a reunion earlier this summer at the home of Barbara Willeke Haynes. The afternoon was spent visiting. A short business meeting included mention of each member who has passed since the last reunion and memorials were given in their honor.

Liberty Township board meeting cancelled for August 21

The Liberty Township trustees will not meet on Monday, August 21 for lack of a quorum.

The Liberty Township Board of Trustees meets the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Jackson Township Hall, located at 110 E. Buckeye Ave., Ada, OH 45810.
