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Ada loves a good parade

And a big one is planned on Sept. 15

By Monty Siekerman
Everybody loves a parade and one of the biggest ones in Ada will begin at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Sept 15, for the Harvest and Herb Fest.

Jr. Weihrauch of Arlington will be parade chair for the fourth year. He knows a thing or two about parades having headed up 7 parades in surrounding towns this year.

It’s not too late to enter the parade. It would be helpful for planning purposes to call Weihrauch at 419-365-5304 or 419-889-4315 ASAP, but he will accept entries from those who show up that morning.

About 50 entries have signed up so far. The parade forms at 9 a.m. in the Ada Schools parking lot and starts at 10 a.m.

Here are parade guidelines:
* the parade goes from the school, down Main Street, and ends at College Avenue near Dukes Memorial.
* the parade route passes near vendor exhibits, narrowing the route, and parade entrants are asked to keep that in mind when designing displays.
*all entrants must have an identifying sign or banner.
*exhibits requiring the use of a vehicle must make their own arrangements for such.
*all vehicles must be on the corner of West Montford and Grand Avenue for lineup at 9 a.m. Ada Police, VFW color guard, and fire and emergency vehicles will lead the parade.
*all marchers must be at the Ada Schools for lineup at 9 a.m. Volunteers will be on hand to assist with the lineup.
*groups marching with animals are to use scoopers to keep the route clean

Here's the festival schedule:
9-4 p.m. - Booths open on Main Street
10 a.m.  - Parade on Main Street
11 a.m. - Games for kids open at the Depot park
Noon - Welcome from Mayor Retterer, VFW 9381 color guard, National Anthem
12:30 p.m. - Crowning of 2018 festival queen
1 p.m. - Drummunity with Lori Fithian (sponsored by Ada Public Library)
2 p.m. - Andrew Martin the Magician
3 p.m. - Twiisted Creations by Pat
