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Feels like Ada HS homecoming is on the way

Check out the Ada school website announcements

Is homecoming in the air at Ada High School? Looks like it. Here's today's announcements at AHS from the school website:

STUDENT-COUNCIL HOMECOMING: Guest request forms are available in the high school office for the Homecoming dance, Sept. 15.  If you are planning to bring a date who does not attend Ada High School, this form needs to be filled out and returned to the high school office by Sept. 14, by 3:30 pm.  Also, school fees will need to be paid before a ticket can be purchased.

FROM THE ATHLETIC DIRECTOR: Adult and student pre-sale football tickets for Friday night’s game against Arlington will be on sale in the high school office Thursday from 11:43 am to 3:30 pm. and then Friday morning from 8 a.m. to 1:09 p.m. Students $4. Adults $5. 

FROM COACH WHITE: There will be a meeting for boys in grades 7-12 planning to play basketball this year who are currently not involved in fall sports on Wednesday, SepT. 5th at 6 p.m. in the high school team locker room. There will be an open gym to follow at 6:30 p.m.

DON’T FORGET TO PAY YOUR SCHOOL FEES:  Fees will need to be paid as soon as possible.

STUDENTS PARTICPATING IN THE HARDIN COUNTY FAIR: Please stop in the high school office and pick up a vacation form for parents/guardian to complete.  Please bring the completed form into the high school office at least one week prior to the fair.

FROM MR. KLEIN:  Any high school girl interested in playing powderpuff football should sign up on the sheets outside Mr. Klein's door. Powderpuff shirts will be on sale this week only. See a junior class officer at lunch, or Mr. Klein throughout the day to turn in your money and order form.

HALLOWEEN PARADE SPONSORED BY THE ADA KIWANIS CLUB: Monday, Oct. 22, behind the Municipal Building on 115 W Buckeye Ave. Registration beings at 5:30 p.m. and Parade at 6 p.m.

Aug. 31st: NO SCHOOL- Staff Development meeting
Sept. 3rd: NO SCHOOL – Labor Day
Sept. 4th: NO SCHOOL – Fair Day

