Is homecoming in the air at Ada High School? Looks like it. Here's today's announcements at AHS from the school website:
STUDENT-COUNCIL HOMECOMING: Guest request forms are available in the high school office for the Homecoming dance, Sept. 15. If you are planning to bring a date who does not attend Ada High School, this form needs to be filled out and returned to the high school office by Sept. 14, by 3:30 pm. Also, school fees will need to be paid before a ticket can be purchased.
FROM THE ATHLETIC DIRECTOR: Adult and student pre-sale football tickets for Friday night’s game against Arlington will be on sale in the high school office Thursday from 11:43 am to 3:30 pm. and then Friday morning from 8 a.m. to 1:09 p.m. Students $4. Adults $5.
FROM COACH WHITE: There will be a meeting for boys in grades 7-12 planning to play basketball this year who are currently not involved in fall sports on Wednesday, SepT. 5th at 6 p.m. in the high school team locker room. There will be an open gym to follow at 6:30 p.m.
DON’T FORGET TO PAY YOUR SCHOOL FEES: Fees will need to be paid as soon as possible.
STUDENTS PARTICPATING IN THE HARDIN COUNTY FAIR: Please stop in the high school office and pick up a vacation form for parents/guardian to complete. Please bring the completed form into the high school office at least one week prior to the fair.
FROM MR. KLEIN: Any high school girl interested in playing powderpuff football should sign up on the sheets outside Mr. Klein's door. Powderpuff shirts will be on sale this week only. See a junior class officer at lunch, or Mr. Klein throughout the day to turn in your money and order form.
HALLOWEEN PARADE SPONSORED BY THE ADA KIWANIS CLUB: Monday, Oct. 22, behind the Municipal Building on 115 W Buckeye Ave. Registration beings at 5:30 p.m. and Parade at 6 p.m.
Aug. 31st: NO SCHOOL- Staff Development meeting
Sept. 3rd: NO SCHOOL – Labor Day
Sept. 4th: NO SCHOOL – Fair Day