Photos and story by Monty Siekerman
Ream McElroy VFW Post 9381 and American Legion 185 held the annual Memorial Day service for the community in Woodlawn Cemetery on Monday afternoon with Dr. Donald Traxler the featured speaker.
“Let freedom ring throughout Ada and the world,” Don said to those assembled. “Thank you to all of the men and women who have served in the Armed Services. Thank you especially to those who gave the supreme sacrifice, the giving of their lives. Thank you to all the men and women who have had men and women in their families serve in our Armed Forces.”
Former mayor Traxler described the four personal purposes he has had in his life, the four Fs, as he calls them: faith, family, friends, and fun.
He also spoke of the history of Memorial Day, its first being called Decoration Day and how President Woodrow Wilson signed a bill making Nov. 11 Armistice Day, later known as Veterans Day.
Monday’s ceremony included patriotic music, the reading of ‘“In Flanders Field” and the Gettysburg Address, as well as the placing of wreaths. The program concluded with Taps.
• Traditionally, members of the Ada VFW Ladies Auxiliary place wreaths, one for every war and conflict, 13 altogether, spanning the time from the Revolutionary War to Afghanistan. From left: Colene Hauenstein, Bev Romick, Jan Marshall, Keitha Williams, Juanita Duffey, Linda Gonder.
• Ada VFW Post 9381 presents the colors.
• Don Traxler
• Alyssa Wince reads “In Flanders Field,” a famous poem about World War I.
• Jake Colwell reads Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address.”
• With temperatures in the 90s and no breeze, the audience found relief under nearby trees.