By Monty Siekerman
Civil War veterans will be remembered at a Memorial Day service at 10 a.m. Monday at Railroad Park. Prof. Ray Schuck and two ONU students located information about 80 vets from Ada and Liberty Township (see list below) who served in the Army between 1861-65.
A brick honoring each man has been inscribed with his name, rank, and unit. The bricks will be dedicated tomorrow morning. History Professor John Lomax will make remarks.
Several people have mentioned that they have relatives or know of individuals from here who served in the Civil War, but do not have a brick honoring the vet. See Dr. Lomax following the remembrance. He said, “Keep in mind that we will obtain bricks at cost only for the Civil War veterans that we can positively document as veterans from Ada or Liberty. We will follow up on any names that come our way and obtain bricks, if the names they mention prove out and if the person who mentions the name pays for the brick ($32.50).”
All are invited to honor the brave men of the U.S. Army who fought to preserve the Union and free a people.
List of Ada Soldiers:
Edward J. Farrar (88th Indiana Infantry, Company E, Private)
Alexander Hamony (50th O.V.I., Company B, Private)
John Harp (1st Ohio Calvalry, Company G, Private)
Martin V. Gilbert (54th O.V.I., Company D, Private)
Anderson C. Harris (1st Ohio Heavy Art’y, Company E, Corporal)
John Garwood (33rd O.V.I, Company K, Private)
William Henry Heller (49th OVI, Company C, Corporal)
Hiram Thomas (114th OVI, Company G, Lieutenant)
Freeman Snow (63rd OVI, Company A, Corporal)
Andrew Patterson (88th OVI, Company B, Private)
James Wells (194th OVI, Company H, Private)
Samuel Drury (31st OVI, Company C, Private)
Robert Joseph Hill (161st OVI, Company I, Private)
Joseph Miller (153th OVI, Company I, Private)
Reuben Klingler (118th OVI, Company A, Private)
Gotleib Adam (10th OVI, Company L, Private)
James E. Cox (180th OVI, Company D, Private)
John Shanks (135th OVI, Company I, Sergeant)
Lewis Poling (159th OVI, Company K, Private)
Andrew Kelley (21st OVI, Company F, Corporal)
Frank M. Hunt (55th OVI, Company I, Sergeant)
Cunningham Huston (41st OVI, Company C, 1st Lieutenant)
Thomas Black (62nd OVI, Company C, Private)
Sylvester Johnson (99th OVI, Company A, Private)
Norris Warrell (66th OVI, Company A, Private)
Squire Rice (118th OVI, Company B, Private)
John R. Hutchinson (64th Illinois Infantry, Company H, Private)
John Hundman (34th OVI, Company G, Private)
William Lloyd (118th OVI, Company A, Private)
Jacob M. Longworth (81st OVI, Company D, Private)
George E. Baum (82nd O.V.I., Company G, Corporal)
Jefferson Baum (82nd O.V.I., Company G, Corporal) (file found under his middle name Thomas)
Milton S. Charles (102nd O.V.I., Company D, Corporal)
James I. Bodell (33rd O.V.I., Company K, Corporal)
Merritt Bodge (66th Illinois Infantry, Company H, Private)
Andrew Borden (73rd O.V.I., Company G, Musician)
David Cummans (133rd O.V.I., Company A, Private)
Oliver Doling (198th O.V.I., Company H, Private)
Joseph Gilbert Engle (66th O.V.I., Company D, Private)
Samuel T. Engle (66th O.V.I, Company H, Private)
Samuel Davis (13th O.V.I., Company E/D, Private)
John Davenport (145th O.V.I., Company C, Private)
Ralph Davenport (82nd O.V.I., Company I, Hospital Steward)
Thomas Davis (180th O.V.I., Company K, Private)
Theodore Carnahan (34th O.V.I., Company D, Private)
Henry S. Clabaugh (197th O.V.I., Company E, Private)
Charles Carey (31st O.V.I., Company A, Private)
Robert Clappin (135th O.V.I. NG, Company I, Private)
John V. Dearth (34th O.V.I, Company D, Private)
Edward Dickins (135th O.V.I. NG, Company I, Private)
George Daugherty Jr. (192nd O.V.I., Company F, Sergeant)
Rinaldo Smith Enos (82nd O.V.I., Company E, Private)
Harlow N. Gilbert (118th O.V.I., Company B, Private)
Robert P. Gilbert (54th O.V.I., Company D, Private)
Joshua Kindle (AKA: Kendall) (135th O.V.I., Company I, Private)
Jacob Leinard (135th O.V.I. NG, Company I, Corporal)
Henry Solomon Lehr (86 O.V.I., Company G, Private)
James B. McElroy (197th O.V.I., Company E, Private)
Capt. Michael Melhorn (135th O.V.I. NG, Company I, Captain)
Joseph Miller [McMillan] (179th O.V.I., Company H, Lieutenant)
James H. Mustard (135th O.V.I. NG, Company I, Private)
William. H. Mustard (33rd O.V.I., Company F&S, Hospital Steward)
David J. Wood (21st O.V.I., Company K, Private)
John Wells (22nd O.V.I., Company C, Sergeant)
Ebenezer Wingate (135th O.V.I. NG, Company I, Private)
Calvin E. Stumm (197th O.V.I., Company E., Private)
Samuel Stringefellow (48th O.V.I., Company K, Private)
Franklin/Francis M. Perry (45th O.V.I., Company D, Private)
William W. Pingree (118th O.V.I., Company B, 1st Lieutenant)
List of Liberty Township Soldiers:
Jenkins Carnahan (82nd O.V.I., Company G, Private)
Isaac Garwood (188th O.V.I., Company A, Sergeant)
Gabriel R. Hubbell (1st Colorado Calvalry, Company L, Private)
Harrison B. Hubbell (45th O.V.I., Company B, Private)
Hamilton McElroy (197th O.V.I., Company E, Private)
William H. Hardwick (82nd O.V.I., Company G, Private)
Robert Black (67th O.V.I., Company F, Private)
Alexander Carman (45th O.V.I., Company B, Private)
Edward Dickens (135th O.V.I., Company I, Private)
George W. Daughtery (82nd O.V.I., Company B, Sergeant)
Alvein H. Davis (66th O.V.I., Company K, 1st Lieutenant)