By Monty Siekerman
Attention all genealogy buffs.
The Ada Public Library has available to use (as long as you have a library card) for free. It can cost $200-$400 annually to personally subscribe to depending on the access preferred.
On Saturday, Rhett Grant, library director, gave a tutorial to those interested in learning about their family history.
Brian Humphreys, who attended, has been delving into his family genealogy since the age of 10. He has traced his family tree to the 1500s in Europe, even traveling to England and Germany to search for information. is the largest for-profit genealogy company in the world with 16 billion historical records.
Where did your family come from? Perhaps they landed in America on the Mayflower, or a slave ship, or a recent airliner from Thailand?
Many in the Alger-McGuffey area can trace their lineage to Prestonsburg or Salyersville, Ky., coming to the area to work the onions growing in the muck fields.
One never knows what one might discover in tracing family history. Perhaps you are related to someone famous...or infamous.
Photo: Brian Humphreys (left) and Rhett Grant