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Erica Shadley's efforts recognized by state school superintendent

Instructional unit center on the book "Wonder"

Ada school language arts teacher, Erica Shadley was recognized by State of Ohio Superintendent of Schools, Paolo DeMaria, for an instructional unit centered on the book, Wonder, by R.J. Palacio. 

Recently made into a movie, Wonder tells the story of Augie Pullman, and centers on themes of kindness and acceptance. 

State Superintendent DeMaria purchased a grade level set of the sequel, Auggie and Me, in recognition of Shadley’s unit, in which students focused on kindness. (See photo attached)

Among the activities Shadley’s classes did were adopting a 5th grade classroom in Texas after Hurricane Harvey and sharing many kindnesses with them, having a birthday party for Auggie, and writing “Kindness Cards” and learning how to word kind messages and affirmations. 

Through a Facebook group of teachers utilizing this book, Shadley became acquainted with a mother in Kentucky whose son, Aiden, has a craniofacial difference like Auggie in the book.
(See photo attached)

Through persistence, Shadley arranged to have Taryn Skees and her son, Aiden, come to Ada and give a presentation about their experiences, which really made an impact on Ada’s middle school students.

Most importantly, Shadley’s students continue to brainstorm ways to be kind and act on them throughout the school year.  Shadley has begun to share “precepts” like Mr. Tushman, the teacher in Wonder. 

Monthly, the students explore the meanings of these inspirational quotes and find ways to apply them in an effort to make the world a better place. They’ve made “Choose Kind” their theme for the year.

“Since our book study, I’ve noticed a change in our students in helping others.  I see kids volunteering to help another student or taking charge when someone is having difficulty with a task.

"Another big change is seeing more kids speaking out for their peers when someone has said or done something unkind,”  Shadley said, “I’m a reading teacher and for this unit my reluctant readers were engaged, and that is what I like to see…a book that tugs at all readers, no matter their reading ability.”



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