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These students know their way around the globe

Geography Bee top three finishers

By Monty Siekerman
Here are the winners of the Geography Bee at Ada Schools on Tuesday (from left) Isaac Williams, first, 8th grade; Jacob Sutherly, second, 7th grade; Josh Thaxton, third, 4th grade.

Now, the winners take a written test to see if they qualify for state competition. Materials are prepared by the National Geographic Society. The local competition is sponsored by Ada Academic Boosters.

Mrs. Suzanne Hardesty has coordinated the event for the past 12 years. She and Mike Styer are judges. All students in grades 4-8 took a test in their classrooms to qualify to represent their grade.

Officers of the Academic Boosters are Tracie Amburgey, president; Valerie Hall, vice president; Arlene Allison and Lori Poling, co-secretaries; Amy Stover, treasurer.
