By Monty Siekerman
Those interested in organizing the Ada Historical Society met Monday evening at the Ada Public Library. Members of the group welcome newcomers to the next meeting, which will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 26, at the library.
At this month’s session, the group:
1. Learned that the Ohio Secretary of State has approved the incorporation papers;
2. Decided that the first annual meeting will be held in April;
3. Viewed a suggested logo drawn by Ruth Roider;
4. Discussed what committees to form;
5. Talked about a webpage and Facebook page presence;
6. Welcomed new members Tom Gossel and Marsha Chadwick.
Photo—seated, from left: Tom Gossel, Ruth Roider, Marsha Chadwick, Harold Friesner, Jenny Grant; standing, John Umphress, Paul Logsdon, President Rhett Grant, Rich Meininger, Kathleen Anspach; behind the camera, Monty Siekerman.
Where did Adaite’s buy their clothing 141 years ago? The members attending Monday’s meeting surround an advertising poster from Lee Crouse’s collection of Ada memorabilia.
The poster says Henry Schindewolf of Star Clothing Store on Main Street in Ada was the go-to guy back then. The advertising sheet said that Mr. Schindewolf was a “merchant and tailor and dealer in clothing, trunks, valises, hats, caps, etc.”
A note on the back of the poster said that Mr. Schindewolf was in business in Ada at least by 1876. He offered “custom work made to order, good fits guaranteed, reasonable prices.” Today’s shoppers go locally to Reichert’s Clothing on Main for their needs.