By Monty Siekerman
The Ada Public Library will be closed for a week and a half starting Wednesday, Jan. 10, because the library is undergoing a major renovation and addition. The library will reopen at 10 a.m. on Monday, Jan. 22.
During the closing work will be done on the ceiling and renovations in the main part of the library, taking advantage of being closed for Martin Luther King Day and a staff inservice day. A new front desk will also be built during the closing.
The main entrance will be on the north side of the building where a large, convenient parking lot has been constructed. The west door, the one used for years, will remain useable for those who walk to the library from Main Street.
Most of the outside work was completed before cold weather set in prior to Christmas. Until now, the library has remained open during construction, which began last summer.
Employees and patrons adjusted to the work, but now the library needs to shut down to finish the work. The addition and renovation are scheduled to be fully completed by Feb. 28.