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Icon takes a trip to the library

Here's a view of some of the events at the library in 2017

NOTE: Open the attachment below for lots of library photos.

By Monty Siekerman
It used to be libraries were book depositories, borrow a book and return it.

They were places to read the latest magazines and newspapers, as well. Not anymore.

Libraries continue those services, but have added programming, many events for children from 0-5 on up to crocheting and quilting.

So, here’s a look at a few of the many activities at the Ada Public Library in 2017. The library celebrated its centennial, welcomed a new director, and began a major addition and renovation in the year that now closes.

Are you, your friends or family pictured here.

Photo: New library director Rhett Grant and his wife Jenny welcoming Halloweeners, not in their usual day-to-day garb.