Story and photos by Monty Siekerman
Wynn Hauenstein, an Ada High School and ONU grad, spoke today at the annual ONU observance for Veterans Day in Presser Hall. Wynn told of his experience during the Vietnam War.
Wynn described the struggles Vietnam veterans faced, also debunking several myths held about the war at the time. He closed with saying how proud he is to have served and how he firmly believes this country is “the greatest on the face of the earth.”
“I think I can speak for all veterans when I say we served and would serve again, and we would do it without ever expecting any thank you,” Wynn concluded, “but at an event such as this, it is indeed gratifying knowing our service has been appreciated.”
The program began with ONU chaplain offering a welcome and invocation, followed by the Posting of the Colors by the color guard of the Ream-McElroy Ada VFW Post 9381. The University Singers presented the National Anthem.
Dan DiBiasio, university president, and Mayor Dave Retterer offered greetings prior to Wynn's talk. The program concluded with another musical selection from the University Singers, laying a memorial wreath, a moment of silence, and playing of taps.
This year's Veterans Day occasion was moved indoors due to the cold, windy weather.
• ROTC and Guard members, representing the ONU Vet Club on campus, attend the ceremony. From left are CDT. Jacob Cordle, CDT. Jared Fox, CDT Clay Burkholder, SPL. Jarrett Barr, PFC. Bryce Burman.
• Posting the Colors while University Singers sing the National Anthem.
• President Dan DiBiasio (left) and Mayor Dave Retterer lay the memorial wreath.
• Playing Taps
• Walkway leading to Presser Hall festooned with American flags.
• Wynn Hauenstein