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Candy Cane Tour features 2 Ada locations

The Candy Cane Tour of Homes sponsored by Keep Hardin County Beautiful features two Ada locations and five places in Kenton this year. Decorated in their finest holiday adornment will be:

Mike and Beth Milks' home, 424 S. Johnson St.
The Inn at Ohio Northern University.

Presale tickets for the 1-6 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 3, event are available at The Inn (866-713-4513) and New Leaf in Kenton (419-674-2747) for $10. Tickets the day of the tour are $15.

Kenton tour locations are:

David and Nikki Haushalter, 16391 Lindsey Dr.
Rodney and Becky (Coulson) Reed, 621 N. Main
Heath and Melissa Blevins, 301 N. Main
Chris's Country Cabin, 10976 TR 115
New Leaf Garden Center, 927 E. Columbus St
