There are plenty of activities on the schedule at Ada High School. Here’s an update from the school website:
ANIMATION CLUB: A few students are setting up an Anim Club. Meet in Mr. Schleeter's room Wednesday during 5B (Lunch) to discuss meeting times and activities.
BOYS BASKETBALL SHOE FITTING: confirmed with Ernst for Tuesday, Oct. 10, during lunch. Optional for junior high and mandatory for high school athletes.
GIRLS BASKETBALL SHOE FITTING: for girls 7-12 planning on playing girls’ basketball will be Wednesday, Oct. 4, during lunch.
2017 YEARBOOKS ARE IN: If you didn’t order one and would like to please pick up a form in the office or from Miss Yoakam. They are only $30. We still have past years available for only $10 as well. We will be taking orders through Friday, Oct. 13.
JUNIOR HIGH QUIZ BOWL: There will be a meeting for anyone interested in Junior High Quiz Bowl on Tuesday, Oct. 10, at 8:20 a.m. in the high school Art room. Please see Mr. Wells if you are unable to attend.