Once upon a time in Ada
Things you didn’t know about your own hometown
By Lee Crouse
[email protected]
November 20, 1935 a group of young women organized the Cosmopolitan club. Charter members were Mrs. Earl Wolfrom, Misses Verna Kemper, Helen Lowman, Mary Wolfrom, Mozelle Tallman, Margaret Peterson, Lois Jean Judkins, Betty Conner, Edith Conner, Josephine Conner, Bernice Reed, Mrs. Richard Main and Mrs. George McElroy. Names added oin Jan 1936 were Misses Bernice Adams, Billie Arbogast, Christine Baker, Luella Hilty, Pauline McCalla, Mrs. Robert Cole, Mrs. George Parshall, and Mrs. Paul Stober.
1935 Ada Schools withdrew from the county system to become Exempted Village School District. This move made the school district directly responsible to the state department of education.