By Monty Siekerman
Organizers of the Ada Historical Society met for the second time on Monday evening and elected some of the officers, approved a constitution, and discussed several projects the group might undertake.
The next meeting is set for 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 30, at the Ada Public Library. All those interested are invited to attend.
Three new people joined the 11 who attended the inaugural meeting: Kathleen Anspach, Seth Krofft, and Rich Meininger.
Rhett Grant was chosen president and Jon Umphress was selected secretary. Ruth Roider was elected a director at-large.
The name of the organization will be Ada Historical Society. Karen Ward will investigate getting a logo designed. The Ohio Historical Society will be contacted to see what information they have on Ada's history. Several future projects were discussed. The local group will see how the county genealogical society might be helpful.
Pictured are, from left: Jenny Grant, Rhett Grant, Jon Umphress, Paul Logsdon, and Seth Krofft.