Despite summer like temperatures, five strong and helpful young men from the Phi Mu Delta Fraternity on Ohio Northern's Campus arrived at 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 21, to help winterize the Village Garden.
The garden wasn't quite through producing this year and as the ONU students pulled, cut and upended all the vegetation, they discovered lingering 'fruit on the vine'. "I've never seen a harvest go this long!" said Karen Ward, coordinator of the Garden.
If this continues the winterizing may have to be pushed back to November. The Village Garden is an offshoot project sponsored by The ReStore Center of Ada.
The Phi Mu Delta fraternity has assisted The Village Garden winterizing for the second year in a row. Their many hands and strong backs were a resource deeply needed and appreciated.
Gratitude is also given to the Village of Ada offices who generously donated a truck bed for collecting all the vegetation and taking it to be composted.
- Story and photo provided by Karen Ward