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Once upon a time in Ada

Once upon a time in Ada

Things you didn’t know about your own hometown

By Lee Crouse

[email protected]


The first 4-H Clubs were organized under the direction of the county agent.  Rosemary Hofer was the first president for the girls group; Marie VanAtta, vice president; Mary Shadley secretary/treasurer; Mary Jane Firestone, reporter; Mary Edith Spar, recreation leader.  Mrs. Harriet Hofer and Mrs. Louis Good were advisors. There were fifteen members in the first club. The club’s name is Liberty Belles. The boys will organize at the high school on Monday. Paul Routson will be the advisor for the club. George Pratte was elected president of the Liberty township boys 4-H club with Harold VanAtta secretary-treasurer, Warren Casper, reporter and Donald Spar, recreational leader. Other members are Jack Klingler, Earl Stober, Neal Jones, Harold Vanatta, Robert Berger, Warren Hull, Charles Dilts, George Pratte, Paul Van Atta, Clair Romick, Charles Shadley, Ralph Sousley, Donald Spar, Loyd Van Atta, and Paul Sousley.

The Ada police had a new motorcycle.
