Here's an update of events at Ada High School from the school website:
Language Club: Language Club will have an organizational meeting on Thursday, Aug. 31, in Mrs. Davis' room at during lunch at 12:55 p.m. Language Club is open to any student in a language class grades 9 - 12.
HIGH SCHOOL QUIZ BOWL: Any student in grades 9-12 who is interested in being a member of this year's high school quiz bowl team should plan to meet in Mr. Lusk's room Wednesday, Aug. 30 at 7:45 a.m.
Attention anyone interested in PowderPuff T-Shirts: There are order forms available in Mr. Ames' room. Contact him or talk to any junior. Money will be due Sept. 9.
Attention all Film Club members: We will be meeting for the first time this year on Thursday, Aug. 31, at 7:30 a.m. for our first movie of the year. We will be watching Momento. Come on out, bring some food and lets start the year off with a bang.
Attention anyone who wants a Film Club t-shirt: Your money will be due Friday. If you still need an order form, see Mr. Ames. If you would like a shirt but cannot afford one, see Mr. Ames and arrangements will be made.
HARVEST AND HERB FESTIVAL: Applications for the 2017 Ada Area Chamber of Commerce Harvest and Herb Queen are in the high school office. Deadline to submit your completed application is Wednesday, Sept. 6, at 5 p.m. to Arlene Allison.