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Ada Icon renews membership to Online News Association

Ada Icon has renewed its membership in the Online News Association (ONA).

The Online News Association is composed largely of professional digital journalists. Founded in 1999, ONA now has more than 2,000 professional members whose principal livelihood involves gathering or producing news for digital presentation.

The membership includes news writers, producers, designers, editors, photographers, technologists and others who produce news for the Internet or other digital delivery systems, as well as academic members and others interested in the development of online journalism.

Who am I? My aunt worked with Madonna during the filming of a movie

By Alisa Ambrecht

Who Am I?

• I graduated from Ada in 1991.

• I competed in track and soccer in high school, I swam for one year and won the Coach's Award for that year.

• I like to run and have competed in two full marathons and two half marathons.

• I am starting my third season as a volunteer coach for a certain sport at Ada High School.

• I usually get invited to weddings for the sole purpose of entertaining the guests with my mad dancing skills.

• I am a St. Louis Cardinals fan and got to attend Game 6 of the 2011 World Series.

Ada Barnyard Farmers 4-H Club will have petting zoo at F&M Picnic

For our 4-H meeting on July 28, first we practiced showmanship. Raina England did a 4-H project on volleyball. Levi England did his on cautions of welding. Justin England did his on types of catfish in Ohio. 

Livestock judging is on August 7th from 9 to 5 at Hardin county fairgrounds, 4-h swim party is august 5th. August 10th we will be having a petting zoo for the community at the F&M picnic.

Our next meeting will be at Hazelton’s to practice showmanship at 6:00p.m August 25.

Hope to see you at our petting zoo.

Several Hootenannies 4-H Club qualify for state fair

Pictured: Members who didn't use plastic gloves when tie-dying their club shirts. Left to right: Landyn Hijma, Dillon Beiler, Meadow Cromer, Isaac Davis, and Preston Brien.

By Faith Holbrook, Reporter
The last meeting of the Hootenannies 4-H Club was held at the farm of Advisor Grant Mizek.  It was opened by president Laura Spradlin.  Megan Williams asked for members' favorite zoo animal for roll call.

The Hardin Co Triathlon was discussed.  Members competing will be Landyn Hijma, Seth Davis and Preston Brien.

Lots of Ada 4-H animals visit to Bluffton retirement home

Several members of the Ada Barnyard Farmers 4-H Club took their animals to Bluffton on July 25. There they showed them to residents of the Mennonite Memorial Home.

To view photos of the show, open the attachment at the bottom of this story, BELOW THE VIDEO.

Animal farm

Cory Beach of the Ada Barnyard Farmers 4-H Club, shows his Golden Buff chicken a resident of the Mennonite Memorial Home, Bluffton. Several members of the club showed their animals there on July 25. Click here for more photos AND watch a video.
