List of acceptable items at bottom of story
By Monty Siekerman
Garrett Duktig, president of the ONU Recycle Club, holds arm loads of computer devices and cameras that were turned into the club for recycling on Tuesday.
ONU and local residents are invited to dispose of their unwanted electronic equipment and other items to protect the environment by bringing them to Heterick Library between 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. on Thursday.
PHOTO BELOW: Engineering students took an old coat rack and turned it into a piece of art for National Recycle Week. The plastic water bottle tree is on display at Heterick Library where unwanted items can be turned in for proper disposal on Thursday.
For the past several years, bottle trees (usually made of blue glass bottles) have shown up in people's yards as decoration. This one, however, sports plastic bottles as a reminder to recycle.
This is National Recycle Week. The group will accept:
• VCRs,
•computer cables,
•floppy discs,
•cell phones,
•battery chargers, and small, broken appliances such as microwaves.
Not accepted: light bulbs, dehumidifiers, damaged batteries, refrigerators or other large appliances.