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Nov. 7 ONU concert features brass ensembles

A brass ensemble concert will be held at 8 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 7, in the Presser Hall recital hall. The performance is free and open to the public. 

The concert will feature several instrumental ensembles in a wide variety of music. The program includes contributions by ONU Brass Ensemble, directed by Dale Laukhuf, trombone instructor; Horn Ensemble, directed by Dr. Thomas A. Hunt, Wind Orchestra director; student Saxophone Quartet, coached by Dr. Henning Schröder, saxophone instructor; and the Low Brass Ensemble, directed by Dr. James Green, low brass instructor.  

The second half of the program features Polaris Brass, the ONU faculty brass quintet featuring Laukhuf; Hunt; Green; Dr. David Kosmyna, trumpet instructor; and Tim Pelltier, senior music education major.