By Monty Siekerman
Longtime Ada/Liberty Fire Chief Jay Epley was named Citizen of the Year during the 51st annual Town and Gown banquet on Monday evening in McIntosh Center ballroom. More than 200 people attended the gala event.
A Hardin County farm boy who served 22 years in the National Guard, Jay is most known to many for his incredibly long run of 38 years as fire chief. He has been a member of the department for nearly 50 years.
In accepting the award he thanked the voters for their support of levies and his wife of 49 years, Linda, and daughters.
In listing his many accomplishments, Deb Curtis, Chamber of Commerce president, said, "I have only scratched the surface of the many things Jay has done to better our community and to keep us safe." She continued, "He is a hero and a great leader of his team."
Ada High School has recognized him as one of their distinguished alumni.
He teaches fire training classes, is active in the county Firefighters Association and Fire Chiefs Association, and importantly he see to it that his firefighters are well trained and equipped.
Mayor Dave Retterer and ONU President Dan DiBiasio gave greetings from the town and gown. Deb Curlis, president of the Town and Gown Association, recognized former Citizen of the Year recipients and introduced people from new businesses in town. Ann Donnelly-Hamilton, vp of the association, introduced new employees from the Ada Schools and ONU.
The association was organized in 1957 to promote harmony and goodwill between the townspeople and the university. Sponsoring organizations are the Ada CIC, Ada Ministerial Association, Chamber of Commerce, Junior Civic League, Kiwanis, Lions Club, Ohio Northern University, ONU Women, Rotary Club, Twice Ten Arts Club, and Village of Ada.
Jay and Linda Epley with family members at the conclusion of the Citizen of the Year awarding. They have two daughters, Laurie and Nicole. Laurie and her husband, Jim, live in Petersburg, Mich., and they have two sons, Mason, 13, and Ian, 11. Nicole and her husband, Todd, have a daughter Gabrielle, 13, and a son, Garrett, 12, and live in Dunkirk.
Robert Gibson (left) congratulates Ada/Liberty Fire Chief Jay Epley, who was named Citizen of the Year. Robert nominated Jay for the award. A record 16 people were nominated this year.
A number of Ada/Liberty firefighters were on hand to help celebrate their chief's honor.
Tony Wolfe and his wife, Vicki, who was the 2003 Citizen of the Year, chat with Deb Curlis prior to the Town and Gown dinner on Monday. Deb (right), who organized and emceed the event, is in her fifth year as Ada Chamber of Commerce president.