Here's an update on the Ada Junior Civic League from Linda Staley, secretary:
The Nov. 14 meeting was held in the home of Linda Ferguson with Shirley Chambers serving as co-hostess.
Sherry Evans reported for the ways-n-means committee that the pecans were here and had been dispersed to all members. Due to the high volumn of sales the club would order an additional 4 cases.
Jaime Wills provided photos of the clubs donation for the Festival of Trees. Erin Swick provided a report from Phyllis Griffith on Crock Pot Tuesday that the club hosted in October she stated the club provided food for 59 people.
Anna Poling represented the club for Town & Gown and provided a report, it was also noted that several members had attended the event.
Linda Staley provided a report about the Halloween Parade and Contest that the Ada Kiwanis sponsors.
The club reviewed the remainder of the year’s programs and noted changes. The program for the evening was given by Anna Poling, which was a fall craft project.