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Judy Hruschka's next patients will be her garden

Ada resident retires from Kenton medical practice

By Monty Siekerman
After 20 years of successful teaching at Ohio Northern, Judy Hruschka decided to go to med school.

The long-time Ada resident did just that at the age of 53. She retired from her medical practice in Kenton last month and has turned her attention to gardening, something she and her husband Peter have always enjoyed doing.

In 1976 Judy began teaching at ONU, first for a year in the pharmacy college, then for 19 years in chemistry. When most people start counting the years until retirement, she entered OSU Medical School. She completed her M.D. in only three years, did a residency in Dayton, then opened an office in Kenton, specializing in primary care/adult medicine.

Peter, with a Ph.D. in sociology, taught at ONU for 24 years.

Now that both have retired, they are free to spend as much time in the garden as they wish. Their beautiful home is located at the corner of Johnson and Lincoln streets. 

They recently purchased the property to the east, tore down the house, and expanded their garden.

Passers-by will notice a hip-high, meandering fence on their new lot. Besides landscaping and gardening, the couple has now taken up stone wall building, adding interest to the property. 

Next year, the rest of the lot will, undoubtedly, be in full bloom.
