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Best color guard, best percussion, best music, best visual effects

Judges love AHS band at Norton competition

The Ada High School marching band earn a first place finish in Class C (schools with less than 300 students in grades 10-12) at the “Art in Motion” OMEA competition held Saturday in Norton. 

The group also received the following awards when combining classes B and C:
• Best color guard
• Best percussion
• Best music
• Best visual effects

Additionally the band was awarded points for the best visual effect regardless of any band size!

The band received a superior rating, signifying an outstanding performance with very few errors, in the following categories: color guard, percussion and visual effect.

“To Infinity and Beyond,” this year’s competition show features Buzz Lightyear, space aliens, and even a green army man. 

The show includes music from Toy Story including “You’ve got a friend in me” as well as original compositions by Director, Jonathan Lischak.   Amy Webb serves as the Color Guard Director. 

Art in Motion is an OMEA (Ohio Music Education Association) adjudicated event.


Accepting awards for the Ada High School Marching Band were (pictured from left to right) Senior Drum Majors Hailey Maier, Meredith Morgan, Junior Color Guard Captain Lindsay Crouse, and Senior Drum Majors Meredith Marshall and Libbie Milks.

