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Rain, rain, go away, come again some other day

Okay, it rained at the Harvest and Herb Fest' but we still had a good time

By Monty Siekerman
Rain on Saturday dampened the Harvest and Herb Fest, both literally and figuratively.

Although only half an inch of rain fell intermittently throughout the morning and afternoon, the usual sizeable crowd did not materialize.

14 parade photos at bottom of this story -

The day began with predictions of rain (the weatherman was right this time). In spite of a gloomy forecast, most of those who reserved booth space showed up. They set up, then waited for the crowds to come.

The caboose rededication was the first event on the agenda. Mayor Dave Retterer decided to hold the ceremony outside, under umbrellas, since there was only a slight shower at the time.

The parade was able to roll down Main Street, free of inclement weather.
The crowd began to build until noon when the queen was crowned. At about that time, heavier showers arrived.

About 1 o'clock many of the fairgoers headed home, and many of the vendors closed up shop.

The rest of the afternoon saw light sprinkles, so some people continued to visit the booths that were left.

Throughout the day, a goodly number attended the well-planned festival despite circumstances beyond anyone's control.
