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Nearly 300 cyclists make Ada home on Saturday and Sunday

Story and photos by Ken Collins
The 14th Young's Ice Cream Charity Bike Tour came to Ada this past weekend. 

The event provides support to several charities, including United Rehabilitation Services of Greater Dayton, the Alzheimer's Association, South Community Positive Health Options, and Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International.  


Bicyclists began the annual tour early Saturday at Young's Ice Cream in Yellow Springs, Ohio, cycling to the Ohio Northern University Campus in Ada.  After spending the night in Ada, cyclists returned to Yellow Springs on Sunday.

Lisa Carter and Jeni Sand of the charity South Community provided refreshments in McGuffey, the last rest stop before Ada.  

Communication assistance for the event was provided by the Kenton Amateur Radio Club, including a number of Ada-area ham radio operators such as Dave Bell in McGuffey and Dave Humphreys in Ada.

Other members and friends of the amateur radio club provided progress reports and other assistance along the route.

Cyclist #101, Mike Polakowski of the Dayton-Centervile area, was the first to arrive in McGuffey for a brief rest stop before continuing on to the ONU campus in Ada.

Nearly 300 cyclists participated in the tour this year.
