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It's starting to feel like a tradition: Lima Symphony, July 4th weekend and Ada

Photos and story by Monty Siekerman

Hundreds gathered on the lawn of the ONU sculpture mall on Saturday evening to be thrilled with a patriotic-pops concert by the Lima Symphony Orchestra.

The number of people attending was comparable to last year's inaugural holiday concert of 1,000.

As ONU President Dan DiBiasio noted in his comments, once something happens at Ohio Northern for two consecutive years, it becomes tradition. He, and the many others in attendance, are hopeful 2017 will see the third annual patriotic-pops concert.

Dr. DiBiasio made special note of his wife, Chris, and Kirsten Osbun-Manley for their successful efforts in bringing the symphony to Ada and raising the funds for the endeavor.

Directed by Crafton Beck, the symphony players received three stranding ovations during the performance, and the audience called for an encore. The crowd clapped along to the music on several pieces, even whistling on another.

Children scurried about waving flags and dancing to the music. A few people brought food to eat or chips to munch on while the band played.

The free patriotic-pops concert featured American classics, popular movies, Broadway tunes, and patriotic songs.

Ada’s own Kirsten Osbun-Manley was a featured guest soloist. She has taught music at ONU for many years and has sung with the Lima Symphony Orchestra several times.

Callee Young, daughter of Curtis and Linda Young, played the cello with the symphony on one piece. She will be a junior at Ada High School in the fall. She was one of six members of the Lima Area Youth Orchestra invited to play with the symphony that evening.

Dick Riggs of Lima heard the symphony perform a piece he wrote in 1947 titled "There Is No Town Like My Hometown." He has composed a number of songs and has been an ardent supporter of the Lima Symphony for 65 years.

The men and women who served in the armed forces were asked to stand and be recognized with applause when the song of their service was played.

The Ada VFW Post military color guard presented the colors while Kirsten sang "The Star Spangled Banner." The post handed out American flags to all in attendance.

The concert was a wonderful evening of music with perfect weather: 75 degrees, a slate gray sky streaked in butternut yellow. The concert-goers sat on lawn chairs under giant shade trees, which made for a pleasant evening for the hundreds who attended.

Concert-goers left with smiles on their faces, hoping for a repeat in 2017.
• Kirsten Osbun-Manley sings, Crafton Beck directs, VFW military guard presents the flag of the United States of America.
• Kirsten Osbun-Manley, Crafton Beck, Chris Burns-DiBiasio, Dan DiBiasio.
• Callee Young, celloist.
• Elizabeth Brown (left), executive director of the symphony, and mother, Rita Brown.
• Ada VFW Post (from left) Ron Risner, Allen Conley, Wynn Hauenstein.
• Concert crowd.
• President Emeritus Dr. DeBow Freed with his sister, Ella Lee Lowrey of Madison, Conn.
• Composer Dick Riggs and wife Norma.
• Strings close-up.
• Symphony supporters (from left) Rita Brown, Norma Riggs, Sara Chlongson.
• Fun for all ages.
